Wednesday, February 4, 2009

MIS - Race & Place

“Yellow places and white cathedrals exist because

we who work in libraries create them as well as the distances

between them. We want to believe that libraries are

politically neutral and colorblind. To sustain this belief

we close our eyes as we steer.”

This is an interesting comment because it is unlikely that those who work in libraries are the primary decision makers. The article makes no mention of financial issues! Libraries need money to look nice and be resourceful. Taxpayers are wealthier around the jurisdiction of the “white cathedral” than that of the yellow library, so it would not be surprising if the cathedral receives more tax funding. Donors are another important source of funding. These kind people with money to spare are probably only kind enough to donate to the branch that they use.

The article says that the neighborhood around the yellow branch is run down, with graffiti and other slum attributes. Shouldn't it make sense that the library match the neighborhood? Anything greater would be a clear and blatant plunder of taxpayers.

1 comment:

  1. We picked the same quote. I like the point you made about it and I also question whether the article focused on the real catalyst in the problem facing the library system. However i disagree in the sense that I think funding for libraries should be a main priority, and can be more important than some other aspects of the neighborhood.
